Why CareerSet? 

CareerSet = Developing resilient and adaptable mindsets + skill Sets FOr the future 

Traditionally career guidance, counselling and education have been based on psychometric testing and matching your interests and skills to one job. Now as the 'occupation for life' disappears we all need to develop the ability to navigate change and transition. I read an article in the Weekend Australian called Future Shocks describing 12 future technologies linked to ‘the fourth industrial revolution’ it’s predicted we’re about to encounter. I had only heard of three of them! I could barely even understand the description of what ‘ubiquitous linked sensors’ and ‘blockchain and distributed ledger’ technologies were. The feeling that life is getting out of control and that we’re moving into a world where driverless cars and virtual doctors/lawyers are going to be normal can lead to an utter confusion as to how and where will I fit? What if I don’t know how to code?

While most conversations in this area talks about the chaos and uncertainty, there’s also another story which is of great opportunity. The opportunity to have more autonomy, more flexibility, to be part of a huge global technological boom and the rewards that can come from getting down and dirty with the task of creating the life and career you want for yourself. It has never been easier to start your own business, to retrain or work remotely. Research by McGrindle* suggests that young people today will encounter 17 jobs and 5 different careers. This is an example of the interesting paradox of work today. While the diversity of work experiences and industries you will encounter is unprecedented and exciting for some, it can also feel precarious and uncertain for those hoping for a little more certainty and stability. So what can you hang your hat on? What is a constant in the changing world?

The answer is you. More so than ever it’s up to you to manage your career (and your life). With all of these new choices and changes, where do you focus your energy and attention? You can’t control industrial shifts, the jobs that are available or how your company is going to restructure, so where is your energy and attention best focused? As I study and analyse literature and research on how people thrive in today’s job market, two influential factors that are in your control stand out.

These are your mindsets and your skill sets which are your greatest GROWING and EVOLVING resources!

This might not seem revolutionary, but too often we leave these two controllable factors to chance, depending on schools and employers to skill us up and our mindsets to naturally develop. Alongside this, we spend excessive hours and energy focusing on things beyond our control.

Taking back a little certainty in your career can be as simple as bringing the focus back to where and how you can grow an adaptable mindset and skill set. This is why my services focus on building your CareerSet. 

Dweck, 2012, Growth Mindset

Dweck, 2012, Growth Mindset

Soft Skills needed for the 12st century workforce - the six C's Source:https://infogr.am/the-6-cs-of-education-for-the-21st-century

Soft Skills needed for the 12st century workforce - the six C's Source:https://infogr.am/the-6-cs-of-education-for-the-21st-century
