Jess Pollard
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I work with artists & career coach Young adults to create meaningful spaces & resources for reflection and action planning.

How Can I help? 

MusicNSW was delighted to have Jess present our Sound Advice Masterclass - Plan For Your Success. Jess gave excellent advice to emerging artists and industry, to help them to identify career pathways.
— Laura Murdoch, MusicNSW Executive Producer


Career EduCation is at the heart of equality and opportunity. Why is it SUCh A gamechanger?  

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Jess is amazing, she is extremely personable and a highly energetic career coach. I went to Jess looking for direction after transitioning from being an elite athlete to finishing my Masters of Business at UNSW. Different from other coaches, Jess quickly created a space that got me thinking about my values and to deeply understand what was important to me.
— Lucinda, 29 years old
With some common threads in our background, Jess was really helpful with navigating my thoughts around identity, direction and creating an actionable strategy. She really helped me with finding the middle ground between my strengths, interest and passions and making the decision around my next step.
— Dave, 30 years old.